FILM INTERVIEWS with Jane Evelyn Atwood

Jane Evelyn Atwood with the Leica M11

Four Decades of AIPAD


Jane Evelyn Atwood in Conversation (NOVEMBER 2019)

Jane Evelyn Atwood in conversation. November 2019

La célèbre Jane-Evelyn Atwood raconte un de ses clichés (APRIL 2019)


Polka  Les Jumelles / Twins (3:00min, French) By Polka ( MAY 2019)


Retrospective exhibition “Jane Evelyn Atwood 1976-2010 “

2011 - June 19  L’Express (3:48min, French) 

Retrospective exhibition “Jane Evelyn Atwood 1976-2010 “ at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris

Rencontre avec la photographe américaine, à l'occasion d'une grande rétrospective à la Maison Européenne de la Photographie à Paris. Une discussion autour de...


Women in Prison (French) 

2002 - Maison de la Photographie, Lille, France 3 (1:41min, French)

Blondine”, Rue des Lombards (3:20min, French) by Polka


Landmine victims / Sentinelles de l’Ombre

2005 - April 3 Musée de la Photographie Charleroi Daily Motion/ WalkingVoice TV (5:20min, French)


2024 POMPIDOU ARLES PODCAST (10mins, French)

To celebrate Les Rencontres d’Arles’ 50 years, journalist Lydie Mushamalirwa produced special episodes on the photography for Centre Pompidou’s podcast series. She gives the floor to five photographers who exhibited at the Rencontres and whose works are part of the Center Pompidou collection. She questions their engagement through the theme of the border. The artists, Atwood among them, deliver a unique look and unprecedented on their practice and on society.

Interview with Jane Evelyn ATWOOD


2019 FRANCE CULTURE (58 min, French) 

"Par les temps qui courent” with Romain de Becdelievre 

Discussion of Atwood’s exhibition, "Histoires de Prostitution 1976-1979” at La Maison Robert Doisneau, Gentilly


2018 - August 17 FRANCE CULTURE (59 min, French)

"Masterclasse avec la Photographie" with d’Arnaud Laporte, “Il y a toujours des surprises”  


2017 - June 18 FRANCE CULTURE  “Nuit rêvée” 1/3   (41 min- French)

First interview of "Nuit rêvée" with Jane Evelyn Atwood by Albane Penaranda. "Présentant les archives qu'elle a choisies, la photographe évoque James Baldwin…"


2017 - June 18 FRANCE CULTURE  “Nuit rêvée” 2/3   (32 min- French)

“Nuit rêvée” second interview with Atwood by Albane Penaranda. "Une photographie réussie est une photo qui m'émeut tout simplement” 


2017 - June 18 FRANCE CULTURE  “Nuit rêvée” 3/3   (5 min- French)

“Nuit rêvée” third interview with Atwood by Albane Penaranda touches upon a personal reason why she undertook her series on the blind.     


2012 - July 31 FRANCE CULTURE (9 min, French)

“Mon Oeil!” with Amaury Chardeau. Walking in the streets of Paris with Atwood; a discussion of what she sees and how she sees, making pictures with her iPhone. 


2011-June 30 FRANCE CULTURE (4 min, French)

"La Chronique" with Sophie Joubert. Overview of her retrospective exhibition “Jane Evelyn Atwood 1976-2010 “ at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris