Cohen by Kalish Jalopy
Memorial for John Cohen (1932-2019)
DECEMBER 14, 2019
Join us in paying tribute to John Cohen, accomplished artist and polymath.
15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY
December 14 | 4pm
Space is limited, please RSVP
L. Parker Stephenson Photographs, New York, NY
December 5, 2019-February 15, 2020
L. Parker Stephenson Photographs is pleased to present When You Look at a Landscape…, its second exhibition with gallery artist Witho Worms. Photographed along the arctic coastline of Norway, the primeval, uninhabited panoramas of sea, glacier and mountain continue Worms’ fascination with the interplay between nature, vision and the camera. The images engage the infinitude of landscape with the limits of a frame, shaped by the artist and the technical apparatus itself.
Click here to read more.
Collector Daily
HOME SWEET HOME 1970-2018: la maison britannique, une histoire politique
Institut Pour la Photographie, Lille, FRANCE
Commissaire de l’exposition : Isabelle Bonnet. Exposition coproduite avec les Rencontres d’Arles.
L’exposition nous fait entrer dans l’intimité et le quotidien de la Grande- Bretagne. Les trente artistes réunis révèlent les différentes réalités sociales, culturelles et politiques de l’intérieur domestique britannique au cours des cinquante dernières années.
Avec :
Dana Ariel (1983), Keith Arnatt (1930-2008), Laura Blight (1985), Juno Calypso (1989), Natasha Caruana (1983), Mark Cawson (1959-2018), Edmund Clark (1963), John Paul Evans (1965), Anna Fox (1961), Ken Grant (1967), Anthony Haughey (1963), Tom Hunter (1965), Sarah Jones (1959), Peter Kennard (1949), Neil Kenlock (1950), Karen Knorr (1954), Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen (1948), Chris Leslie (1974), Stephen McCoy (1956), Iain McKell (1957), Michael McMillan (1962), Daniel Meadows (1952), David Moore (1961), John Myers (1944), Martin Parr (1952), Magda Segal (1959), Andy Sewell (1978), David Spero (1963), Eva Stenram (1976), Clare Strand (1973), Colin Thomas (1950), Gee Vaucher (1945)
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Women Photographers from The AmberSide Collection
Stills Center for Photography, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND
November 15, 2019 - March 8, 2020
Diane Arbus
Martine Franck
Graciela Iturbide
Izabela Jedrzejczyk
Laura Junka-Aikio
Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen
Susan Meiselas
Tish Murtha
Grace Robertson
Stills is excited to present a selection of photographs from The AmberSide Collection, a unique archive that continues to grow out of the documentary production, commissioning, exhibition and touring work of Newcastle-based Amber Film & Photography Collective. The group established itself in North East England in 1969 and opened Side Gallery in 1977.
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JANE EVELYN ATWOOD, Pigalle People 1978-1979
In Camera, Paris, FRANCE
OCTOBER 10 - NOVEMBER 30, 2019
Pigalle, donc, encore dans son jus parisien, peuplé de bonneteurs, de flics et de boxonneurs, de marchands de marrons et de catcheurs d’occasion, de touristes à gogo flânant autour du Moulin Rouge et de celles qui furent longtemps considérées comme appartenant au folklore local, les transsexuelles.
Quarante ans après, ces portraits touchent par leurs grains de beauté et d’humanité. Jane Evelyn Atwood, alors jeune photographe, a su donner vie à ces amantes offensées, sans ajout mythologique, préférant le réel, sa dureté, à l’éblouissement du miroir. Elle a retenu le face à face, qui deviendra sa marque de fabrique, laquelle lui permet d’être à la bonne distance, avec cette liberté d’écriture nécessaire à toute création.
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Exercice De Styles La Rochelle
Carré-Amalot, La Rochelle, FRANCE
SEPTEMBER 24 - December 14, 2019
The photographs presented in this exhibition are organized around a non-exhaustive alphabet. Each letter leads to a word. Each word invites us to reflect and observe the image from a certain point of view. Twenty-six artists from the collection of the National Center for Plastic Arts and the Carré Amelot collection to discover a selection of the world premiere of the last fifty years.Artists on display: Dieter Appelt, Israel Ariño, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Patrick Bailly-Maître-Grand, Roger Ballen, Luc Choquer, John Coplans, Frederic Delangle, Bernard Descamps, Claude Dityvon, Walker Evans, Bernard Faucon, Joan Fontcuberta, Lee Friedlander, Henry Giacomelli, Thierry Girard, Henri Huet, Seydou Keita , William Klein, Robert Mapplethorpe, Tina Merandon, NASA, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Joel-Peter Witkin.
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SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
John Cohen passed away at the age of 87, surrounded by loving family and friends at his longtime home in Putnam Valley, NY.
We are proud to have worked with and represented John since 2012, and we will miss him greatly.
Other Tributes and Obituaries
John Cohen Dedication, Galerie Julian Sander, Cologne, Germany
Celebrating the gallery’s 10th anniversary is an homage to its first exhibition where a selection of Cohen’s many images were presented
"He allows us to be a part of the world which he has traveled and see the people he has met, all without pretense. The intimacies of these images inform our experience; it is as if we were present at their making. Photographs of children playing, adults contemplating, and musicians baring their heart in the music they play. There are stories being told here." - Julian Sander, 2011
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A Special 10x10 Photobooks Salon with Jane Evelyn Atwood
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
To RSVP, please register on the website:
John Cohen - Speedbumps on a Dirt Road: When Old Time Music Met Bluegrass (powerHouse)
September 15,2019
Speedbumps is published to coincide with two music documentaries released this month, both of which include many of Cohen’s photographs: BIG FAMILY: The Story of Bluegrass Music Aug 30 & 31st and KEN BURN’s film on COUNTRY MUSIC starting SEPTEMBER 15, 8pm on PBS. Cohen met, recorded, filmed, and played alongside (as founding member of The New Lost City Ramblers) many of the singers and musicians featured.
Jane Evelyn Atwood, L'oeil sur la montagne/Latvia and Slovakia
Matelmale, FRANCE
June 29 - October 31, 2019
A 2-person outdoor installation with Alain Tendero examines the particularities of rural life
Click here to read more.
Seaside: Photographed
Turner Contemporary, Margate, UK
May 24 - September 8, 2019
Work from Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen's long-term projects about coastal life in the UK are included in this group exhibition
Click here to read more.
Jane Evelyn Atwood, Villes & Territoires
Urbi & Orbi biennale de la photographie et de la ville, Sedan, FRANCE
June 8 - September 1, 2019
An outdoor installation of sequences of images drawn from Atwood's diverse projects
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Exhibition: Jane Evelyn Atwood Darya, "Badante"
Les Femmes s'exposent, Houlgate, FRANCE
June 6 - August 31, 2019
Jane Evelyn Atwood chosen as The Godmother of the Festival at Les Femmes s'exposent
John Davies and Tabitha Jussa in collaboration Can't See the Wood for the Trees
LOOK Photo Biennial/Open Eye Gallery pop-up exhibition at the Victoria Gallery and Museum University of Liverpool
Liverpool, UK
June 6 - July 4, 2019
Click here to read more.
J. D. 'Okhai OJEIKERE, Mapping Black Identities
Minneapolis Institute of Art
February 21, 2018 - March 15, 2020
Apollo's Muse: The Moon in the Age of Photography
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
July 3 - September 22, 2019
Kikuji Kawada's Artificial Moon Trail, 1969 from his Last Cosmology series makes an appearance in this exhibition which marks the half centenary of man landing on the moon.